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Akhil Kanna

Akhil Kanna


Articles by Akhil Kanna

Game of Thrones Season 8: Predictions Part 2

The following predictions for Game of Thrones Season 8 are only based on the dialogues from the previous seasons and a few assumptions. Not only does the show h

 Friday, March 2, 20180 Comments
Precarious Love

PrecArIous Love The year is 2025, I'd lost her in a car accident three years ago. She was the love of my life. The unbearable grief got amplified every day, I l

 Wednesday, January 3, 20180 Comments
Game of Thrones Season 8: Predictions Part 1

  Game of Thrones Season 8 Predictions! It's predictions time! With Game of Thrones season 7 wrapping up in a spectacular way, one can only wonder wh

 Sunday, October 1, 20170 Comments
Marvel’s The Defenders Review

  Marvel's The Defenders is a Netflix show. It is not just any other TV show but is what is supposed to be “The Avengers of the TV series”, which means

 Monday, September 4, 20170 Comments
Indian Electric Cars: 2017

Despite the shortcomings of its early stages, electric mode of transport can be seen as the future of travel. With the costs coming down and the battery technol

 Wednesday, August 2, 20170 Comments
Kotlin: A New Programming Trend

Kotlin is a fairly new programming language built by 20 developers, give or take a few, at JetBrains. It was released in 2016 and was embraced by a lot of progr

 Thursday, June 29, 20170 Comments
Legion: A review

INTRODUCTION   On watching any of the episodes of Legion, one can say right off the bat that it’s unlike any other TV show. It’s weird in the sense tha

 Sunday, April 2, 20170 Comments